Friday, February 8, 2019

MKMen™ Shaving Foam, The Manly Silky Smooth Shave

This review is not only a product review but also includes a few comparisons to another product of the same type. But first, for full disclosure, my wife is a Mary Kay® Independent Beauty Consultant; however, I do NOT let her position influence my opinion on Mary Kay® products. Also, I have sensitive facial and neck skin. It took years for me to find a product I could use for shaving that would not cause rash, bumps, and irritation in general. Although it did leave me with a little rash, Edge® Shaving Gel for sensitive skin was the product I settled on and have been using for many years until my wife asked me to try the MKMen™ Shaving Foam.
Right from the start, I noticed a drastic difference. I noticed a difference in the quality of my shave after just the first use. With the first stroke of my razor, I could feel there was no resistance, and the razor seemed to glide over my cheek so smoothly I didn’t think the razor was cutting my stubble. I had to check the foam as I rinsed it off my razor, sure enough, I could see the cut stubble. At no time did it seem the razor was actually touching my skin and there was no hint of irritation. My shave was closer, smoother and my skin softer. My skin felt good, refreshed. And no red rash or irritation, I was impressed.
An added benefit is The MKMen™ Shaving Foam goes further; I use less than I did when using the Edge® Shaving Gel. Compared to the same size container or ounces used, the MKMen™ Shaving Foam has lasted about 4 times longer than the Edge®. Not a big deal at first since I was just testing the product and would be willing to spend more money on a product that doesn’t leave me with an irritated, red rash on my neck and sometimes my cheeks. But now it is a big deal, I like the MKMen™ Shaving Foam, so now cost is part of whether or not something is worth using and if it costs more is it worth the extra cost. After doing a closer look, pricing the two products versus how many shaves each products give for like quantity, the price is the same. MKMen™ Shaving Foam does cost more initially, because it is a 6.5 oz can but it goes 4 times further than the same amount of Edge® shaving gel so, in the long run, it costs less or about the same.
MKMen™ is also non-comedogenic and tested for skin irritancy and allergy.
And the bonus, MKMen™ Shaving Foam smells good, not chemically or perfumed like most shaving products.
To this day I am still using the MKMen™ Shaving Foam and I continually experience a better, smoother, closer and non-irritated shave. I will be reviewing other MKMen ™ products in the near future so be sure to check back or subscribe to my blog.
For more information about MKMen™ Shaving Foam or any MK products click the link below:

The Rickster