Thursday, January 10, 2019

Applebee’s The Great Let Down

Applee’s Restaurant in Wenatchee, WA, 6:30pm, mid-week.  Right from the start, we were disappointed.  Due to a recent injury, my wife had to use a walker to get around.  The parking lot, although it had been plowed due to a recent snowstorm, some of the parking for “disability” was a snow berm.  I thought not a big deal they have to put the snow somewhere but of all places to put the snow, why put it in parking meant for people who have issues getting around.  If that wasn’t bad enough, the snow berm, covered the only walkway to the cement walk for wheelchair accessibility without having to go up over a curb.  Okay, fine, so whoever did the plowing didn’t know what they were doing, or didn’t realize what they were doing. Either way, if a person wheelchair or walker or crutches bound had no choice but to lift themselves over the curb to get to the walkway.   Thankfully, the walkway close to the restaurant front doors was plowed/shoved and de-iced. 
The hostess greeting us was nice, polite, warm, and friendly.  Seeing my wife was using a walker, the hostess did think to ask if the two stairs getting to the dining area was an issue and if so, she would lead us to the ramp allowing easy access to the dining area.  As we were being seated, it became evident the music was unusually loud and people in the restaurant were talking loud, having to talk over the music.  Loud enough, when the waitress was taking our order, she had to raise her voice to inform us of the specials and again when she repeated back confirming our order.  My wife and I had to raise our voices to tell the waitress what we wanted for drinks, appetizers, and entrees.
Onion ring appetizers, some of the best onion rings I’ve had at any restaurant.  Lightly breaded, not over breaded like most, cooked thoroughly, not hard or mushy but firm, however, the onion rings were lacking in flavor.  The number of onion rings was good, not enough to make a meal on but just enough to split between two people and not ruin our appetite for the main meal.
The entrees; barbequed riblets and shrimp.  The ribs were moist, tender, and flavorful. The barbeque sauce was good, offering a hint of several spices with no spice being predominate or leaving an overpowering after taste.  The shrimp were of decent size, 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches long, full of flavor and moist, not overcooked or dry like so many restaurants serve.  The shrimp actually tasted like shrimp with a hint of seasoning unlike so many dishes with shrimp, no flavor other than the seasoning.
The best time to try both out is when Applebee’s is running the all you can eat special for riblets, chicken tenders, and shrimp.  You are not restricted to just one or the other, you can have some of all three. 

The Rickster

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